Friday, September 12, 2008

Baby Boy Blanden

Hello, dear family and friends. After some prompting from my cousins, :) I've decided to create a (private) blog for Blanden after all. I'll try to post at least once a week, and we'll see how it goes. I hope you enjoy watching him grow as much as we do.


marilyn said...

Katie, Ed and Blanden,

Your Friese cousins aren't the only ones who are very so HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY that Blanden now has a are Grammy and PaPa

Princess in Galoshes said...

OH! I'm so excited. Thanks for sharing. :-)

Jill said...

Yipppeee!!! How did the world ever turn without the internet...

SpringsGrandParents said...

I think he likes the camera...good thing considering his family's penchant for gadgets.

Nancy said...

Katie and Ed, this is great. Keep the pictures and information coming!