Monday, September 22, 2008

Round Two

Blanden and Dad after a successful music night.

Blanden's second music class was much more successful (and fun) than the first. In Ed's words, "He rocked it, and he didn't stop it." He loved the whole thing and only began crying once they got in the car to come home. They sang songs, danced, and tried out their music sticks.

In case any of you are curious as to what an infant music class entails (I am, but I thought it would be fun for the guys to enjoy a few fun sessions on their own first), here is an e-mail from his instructor:

Hello parents,

I'm happy to be writing you your first e-mail of the the year. I had such a wonderful time with you all last week and I can't wait to see you again tomorrow.

Last week:

We experienced a variety of activities that are musically and developmentally appropriate for baby. We had a few bouncing songs to stimulate their spine and experience the feeling of steady beat in music. We rocked to stimulate the inner ear and and provided a bonding experience between parent and child. We sang and chanted patterns that we know are the building blocks to music experiences later down the road. We enjoyed finger play and tickle activities to stimulate baby's body, and again, enjoy that special bonding time. And we danced to instrumental music and played the rhythm sticks to expose baby to different musical tone colors. Wow, all in 30 minutes!

This week:

We will be repeating all activities from last week. Remember, repetition is so important for baby, even though we feel it may be getting a little old. We will vary the activities here and there to keep our interest as fresh as the babies.

Things to try at home this week:

-Listen to your CD!
-Bounce along to your favorite bouncing song.
-Rock to your favorite rocking song before nap or bed-time.
-Try one of the body awareness activities (Oops Johnny, Diddle Diddle Dumpling, or Round the Garden) during bath-time.
-Be sure to bring your baby kit (instruments and scarf) to every class. I will have instruments for you to use if you wish.
-Remember you are always welcome to vary activities in class to work for your baby. How you sit, stand, rock, bounce, and interact with your baby is different for everyone based on your baby's development and likes. You are your own best expert!

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