Monday, October 6, 2008

Four-Month Checkup

Blanden had his four-month checkup today, and he's doing great. He weighs 15 lbs., 0.8 oz. (putting him in the 53rd percentile for weight), and is 27 inches long (putting him in the 97th percentile for height!). He's been gaining about a pound and a half each month for the past few months, and he's gained 3.5 inches in height in the past two months -- no wonder he suddenly outgrew his tiny 0-3 month-size onesies a few weeks ago! They were starting to look like V-necks, stretching as far as they could to accommodate his long torso.

We also filled out a little questionnaire with the doctor to evaluate his gross motor skills, fine motor skills, and problem-solving skills, and he passed in all areas.

And now he's sound asleep in a pillow on my lap, worn out from the trip and from the two additional vaccines he received this morning. (Although the shots don't seem to be quite as traumatizing as they were the first time. Some big cuddles from mom and song-and-dance entertainment from Dad immediately afterward definitely helps return Blanden to his usual smiley self fairly quickly.)

1 comment:

Princess in Galoshes said...

Sounds like a successful trip. Glad to hear he survived. :-)