Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Apple Farm

Happy Apple Farm, in Penrose, Colorado
Blanden at the pumpkin patch, dressed in perfectly appropriate Colorado fall gear, complete with his cowboy boots and hat :)
Spending a little time with Grammy while Mommy and Daddy carry the pumpkins. (Next year, I'll carry my own!)
Hanging out with my Uncle Jim Sunday morning. (Mommy and Daddy think we look an awful lot alike!)
Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Blanden had quite the day yesterday. In the morning, he got to meet his cousins Jeremy and Gretchen's new puppy, Lucky the labradoodle, when they stopped by for a visit. Then Grammy, Daddy, Mommy, and Blanden packed up the car and headed out on "monkey business," as Blanden's great-grandfather would have said (where you pile into the car for an adventure and never know quite where you're going to end up that day). We were headed to Happy Apple Farm, in Penrose, Colorado (about an hour and a half away), for fresh, local apples and Blanden's first trip to a pumpin patch. We had a great time meandering our way through the Front Range, stopping in Colorado Springs for lunch on the way there and in Castle Rock to do a little outlet shopping on the way home. Ed and I had fun selecting the perfect pumpkins for Blanden's first Halloween, knowing that next year he'll be running through the fields searching for the perfect pumpkin all by himself. :)
Then last night, we all met up with the Wensuc family at Pappadeaux's Seafood Kitchen, one of Grandpa Wensec's favorite restaurants, to celebrate Grandpa Wenseuc's birthday. Blanden loved having so many of his family members in one plalce, although he was a little tired after such a full day of adventuring.
Now Blanden is out on another long walk with Grammy, enjoying our last full day together of her visit, while Mommy gets to work, and he is looking forward to taking Grammy to music class tonight to show her what it's all about.

1 comment:

Princess in Galoshes said...

Squeeeee! Look at that little hat!