Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hello, There, Baby!

Blanden is beginning to discover the myriad interesting noises he can make with his own voice. While I've been working this afternoon, Blanden has been giggling and squealing, carrying on quite the conversation with the baby in the mirror above him on his playmat.


SpringsGrandParents said...

The Kid digs music. Apples don't fall far...

marilyn said...


That's a new outfit your wearing today, looks like Mommy and Daddy have you dressed nice and cuddly...
We can certainly see how much you've grown and developed, and in just a few days, I'll get to see you in person! Your folks too! Looks like I should pack jeans, long sleeve shirts,and perhaps a sweatshirt too. I think we should "conspire" to get your parents to go on at least one "date" while I'am we can have Grammy time...and it'll be sort of life when you and Daddy have "boys club", we'll have fun, and keep a few secrets to ourselves...Love Grammy

Jill said...

Blanden looks adorable in his overalls! Very fallish ;) Can't wait to see him in his cowboy outfit! :)

Enjoy your time visiting with Grammy!