Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We Miss You Already, Grammy!

Getting ready to take Grammy to music class
Hey, Grammy, look at me in class! (Although last night I was a little more interested in sucking on my thumb than in participating in class -- I have recently discovered it in the midst of sucking on my whole fist full of fingers and it's fascinating!)
Practicing with my music sticks
Bundled up for one last long walk with Grammy on a beautiful fall day

Blanden and I just got back from dropping Grammy off at the airport for her trip home. We had an absolutely wonderful time together, and we miss you very much already. (Blanden thinks you should definitely stay for at least 10 days next time. ;) ) But we are really looking forward to our trip to Michigan over Thanksgiving, so it is great to be able to say that we will see you again very soon -- in only 4 1/2 weeks! We love you!

1 comment:

Katie Teller said...

Ben had that same little blue jacket with the bear ears from BabyGap!! It is SOOOO cute!!!