Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day Four -- Happy Birthday, Uncle Andrew!

Yesterday was Uncle Andrew's birthday -- Happy Birthday, Drew!!! Jill's parents, her brother, and his girlfriend came over for dinner and to celebrate.
Unfortunately Blanden tried to steal his uncle's birthday thunder a little bit -- it seems all of the change, the lack of sleep, and especially missing Daddy is catching up with the little guy. He was quite fussy last night, hence no pictures or evening post on the blog before bed. Blanden's hanging in there, he's just exhausted. He reached the point last night where his laughs were quickly turning into cries and vice versa.
Nevertheless, it is so nice that at least two of us were able to celebrate Andrew's birthday this year (and Ed comes tomorrow!). Since Andrew's birthday always falls sometime during the Thanksgiving holiday, and the Raymond family has always been together for Thanksgiving, I've only ever missed one of my "little" brother's birthday celebrations. Happy 27th!
P.S. For those of you who weren't able to open the video yesterday, it is just a little 25-second clip of Blanden playing in the bouncer that I took on my camera, as I just remembered that I could take mini videos with it.

1 comment:

Princess in Galoshes said...

Happy birthday Andrew!

Looks like you are all having a fabulous time. Yay! :-)