Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Back Home

I thought I'd post a couple additional photos -- this picture with Grammy in particular because you can see the gorgeous length of the gown (and my wedding-dress lace). :)
And one of Aunt Jill at the party -- I posted this photo in particular because you can see some of the detail on the bodice of the gown.

Well, we got a little behind on our blog postings from Michigan. We were having too much fun, and were a bit busy!
Blanden's baptism ceremony was absolutely beautiful. The baptism was integrated into the Mass itself. Ed, myself, Andrew as Blanden's godfather, and Jill as Blanden's honorary godmother to fill in in Nancy's absence, processed down the aisle with the priest and the alter boys and girls, along with another baby boy who was being baptized and his family, at the start of the service. After the baptism, the church applauded their congratulations and officially welcomed Blanden into the Christian community, and we all stood in front of the congregation for a special prayer. Being so reserved myself and not too keen on the spotlight, I was nervous ahead of time about seeming "on display," but it felt exactly the opposite -- the ceremony could not have been more special or calming. Blanden did a great job in church -- he was awed by the music, the people, and the beautiful stained-glass windows and lights, and he was very accommodating when the priest poured the water over his head and then rubbed it with oil. We are so proud of him.
It was indeed very special to have the ceremony in my home church of St. Mary's, complete with music from "Papa" in the background, and even the church choir. Many extended family members and friends attended Mass -- and finally got too meet Blanden at last -- and then Papa and Grammy hosted a delicious brunch afterward, complete with elaborate cake and chocolate-covered strawberries. Again Blanden was very accommodating as everyone was eager to hold and play with him. When he finally landed back in my arms an hour or so later, he took one look up at me, seemed to audibly sigh, and promptly fell asleep, almost before I'd even had him in a cradle hold, he was that exhausted! For those who know Blanden's sleeping habits, he never falls asleep that easily!
Ed and Blanden and I were again on separate flights on the way home on Monday, and once again Blanden was a superstar on the plane. Our flight was even delayed -- we sat on the plane for an hour before we even took off, but Blanden took it all in stride, sleeping and playing on my lap.
It was a wonderful trip to Michigan, full of family, friends, excellent food, and great conversation, just as Ed predicted it would be in a blog posting over a week ago. It went by all too quickly and we miss you all very much already!
But, as always, it's so nice to go on vacation, and it's also nice to come home. Unfortunately Blanden and I (and Uncle Andrew!) all came down with colds before the week's end, but we are all trying to get some much-needed rest this week.
Thank you for a fantastic visit, our dear Michigan family!

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, how is Grammy ever going to decide what pictures from your Monroe visit to have printed? I want one of all of them!