Thursday, December 18, 2008

Growing Quickly

Practicing sitting up by himself.
When Blanden was born, he had two full rows of clothes in his closet: on the top were 0-3 month and 3-6 month sizes, and on the bottom were 6-9 and 6-12 month sizes, and just a handful of things beyond, all of which were intended for "later this winter" -- which at the time, in June, seemed so far away.
Over Thanksgiving, Blanden was still mostly wearing his 3-6 month size clothing. But all of a sudden, just a few weeks later, he has seemingly outgrown them and we've moved on to the second row -- and even some of those are going to be too short very soon! I'm absolutely amazed by how quickly time is going by and how much he's grown -- suddenly I realized that "later this winter" has arrived.
Blanden's currently working on sitting up by himself. He's getting there, though he still topples over to the side (hence being carefully cushioned by the boppy pillow in the photo).
In other news, we're making a little progress on introducing solids. Cereal was not a hit, so we've moved on to pureed organic pumpkin, fresh (then frozen) from our local Colorado farm share. So far, Blanden thinks it's ... interesting, and worth exploring a little further.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, What fun for us to get home this evening and find a new picture of you! I can tell that it won't be long before you are sitting up all by yourself, heck by the time grammy comes the end of next month, you may even be standing up alone too! Give mom and dad a hug from me, with a gentle reminder to keep the pictures coming! Since you are definately growning so fast, perhaps mom should reconsider having me "check out" the winter clothing sales, looking for cute, fun clothes for you for next winter...perhaps I should look more at 24 months, instead of 18 month sizes. Check it out with her, and get back to me, okay?
Love you sweetheart....