Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Back Home

Well, we've already been home now a week tomorrow, we've just been too busy to post. And we don't have quite such cute new photos and exciting adventures to share.

We got home very late last Wednesday night (actually early Thursday morning for us on Florida time). Blanden struggled a bit on the first flight (we had to change planes in Houston) as it took off shortly before his bedtime, but he was fascinated by looking out the window on both takeoffs, and he eventually struggled to sleep. Then he slept soundly through the next flight -- so soundly, in fact, that I didn't want to risk waking him up to put him into the Bjorn carrier so I carried him in my arms along with my carry-on bags to luggage claim, where we were warmly greeted by Ed. Blanden managed to stay asleep while we put him in his car seat, drove home, and got ready for bed. He was promptly kissed and snuggled and hugged by Ed -- and the next morning when Blanden sat down on the floor to play he was smothered in kisses by Ella.

It was wonderful to be on vacation and to spend so much time with Grammy and Papa (we miss you!), but it is always nice to be home too.
Playing with Gavin in Wash Park (enjoying a sunny 65-degree day!) this afternoon. Blanden and Gavin got to try out the baby swings. Gavin loved it and cracked up laughing, but Blanden's not a big fan yet; he was much more content to sit on the ground and play in the wood chips (reminiscent of the Florida sand, perhaps?).
Sporting another pair of Big Boy PJs this evening that Grammy and I found while shopping. Ed and I refer to these as his Baby Spaceman set (also pronounced "spa-cheh-man" for those of you familiar with 30 Rock) ;)

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Wow, little guy, it is difficult to believe that just a week ago tomorrow PaPa and I took you and Mommy to the airport, the end of my treasured 18 days with you and your folks had come to an end. We came home to a very quiet house! Somehow, I did manage to sort thought all the pictures we took of you (when you get older and understand numbers, you'll really understand that 220 pictures, was a lot of pictures), and get some printed. They are here on our coffee table, along side of the book you gave me for Christmas, and smaller books for mommy and daddy's wedding, plus Aunt Jill and Uncle Andrew's wedding. My pictures of all of you, help me hold you close in my heart.
What a great picture of you on your first offical play date, gosh, I think it was the first one. PaPa and I are looking forward to when we come to visit, and take you to the park, oh and I must add, that PaPa is anxiously counting down the days until you are allowed a trip to the Bonnie Brea ice cream store, so he can buy you a cone.
Take to you soon,