Monday, February 2, 2009

Grammy Is Back!

Blanden and Grammy heading out for a walk together on Saturday dressed in matching Michigan State gear.

Much to Blanden's (and my and Ed's) delight, Grammy arrived back in town Friday night. She is staying for a week and a half, then Blanden and I are flying back with her to Florida to visit her and Papa for a week. Thus far, Grammy and Blanden have just been playing, playing, and playing and cuddling, cuddling, and cuddling. We haven't taken many pictures yet, but I'm sure more will come over the next couple weeks.

Yesterday we had friends over to watch the Superbowl. They have twin girls who are just one day younger than Blanden. Blanden was intrigued by his fellow playmates, but he wasn't as energetic as usual because he has come down with a very bad cold and spent a bigger proportion of the day than usual napping. And unfortunately he's going to miss music class tonight in order to rest up and recoup. Good thing he has Grammy here this week, in addition to Mommy and Daddy, to give him lots of TLC to speed up his recovery.

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