Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Travels to the Tropics

Eating breakfast in the airport while waiting for our flight.
Mommy reading a story to Blanden on the plane.


Blanden sitting in his own seat and reading a magazine on the plane ...

(Sorry, Dad, Mommy and Grammy only had People and Oprah magazines to share with me. ;) )

Blanden is in Florida! Yesterday morning Daddy dropped Grammy, Mommy, and me off at the airport, and the three of us traveled to Fort Myers together, where Papa and Phoenix (the schnoodle) picked us up.
Once again Blanden was a superstar on the plane. He received many compliments on how cute he was (he sported his little Levi's and a lighthouse sweater in honor of coming to the Sunshine State) and how well-behaved he was. He took a good nap on both flights and otherwise played on Mommy and Grammy's laps and was very interested in looking out the window on takeoffs and landings -- after all, even Daddy doesn't drive that fast! ;) On the first flight the three of us had the row to ourselves so Blanden got to have his own seat, which he thought was pretty cool.

Papa had a very nice dinner ready for us when we arrived back at their house -- complete with a place setting for Blanden, although Papa was a little disappointed when he realized that although Blanden has made great progress sitting up, he's not ready to sit in a chair all by himself just yet, nor can eat chicken, mashed potatoes, bread, or the cookie pie he had prepared. Needless to say, Papa is anxiously awaiting Blanden's first birthday, on which his parents have agreed he can finally try cake and ice cream and some of Papa's other favorite foods. (Papa and Grammy have already booked their trip to come visit when Blanden turns 1, and I have a feeling that seeing Blanden eat cake and ice cream for the first time might be the reason why for Papa!) But for now, the two of them will have to be content to eat Cheerios together.
Mommy is off to work, and Blanden is off to play with his grandparents and the pup. We are enjoying sunny, 80-degree weather, and we are hoping to try out the swimming pool this afternoon ...

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