Sunday, March 29, 2009

Enjoying Time with Aunt Jill and Uncle Andrew

On Thursday Denver was under a blizzard warning and received 9.5 inches of snow in about 12 hours. (We were excited to finally have a taste of winter, but so worried about Aunt Jill and Uncle Andrew's pending arrival later that night. Fortunately, and amazingly, they arrived safe and sound and on time for their visit.) Now today, in typical Denver fashion, it was sunny and 67 degrees, so we enjoyed a family walk to Wash Park.
Other highlights of our wonderful visit include:
1.) Watching Uncle Andrew's, Mommy's, and Grammy's alma matter, MSU, make it to the Elite Eight and then the Final Four!!!
2.) Watching Mommy, Uncle Andrew, and Aunt Jill enjoy gelato and spilling Mommy's mango gelato billini all over her sweater and thinking it was pretty funny.
3.) A little road trip to Boulder and the Dushanbe Tea House, where Mommy had her baby shower for me almost one year ago.
4.) Swinging in Wash Park, where Daddy pushed me a little higher than Mommy does, and I loved it!
5.) Reading the new books about koalas and kangeroos that Aunt Jill and Uncle Andrew brought back for me from their trip to Australia.
6.) Kissing Aunt Jill! Thus far I have only graced Mommy with my enthusiast, mouth-wide-open kisses on the cheek, but now Aunt Jill has been the lucky receiver as well. :)
7.) Gourmet pizza for lunch at Proto's, where I tried pesto, feta cheese, mozarella cheese, and artichokes -- I ate half a slice on my own!
8.) Lunch at El Noa Noa Mexican restaurant, where I enjoyed some cheese quesadilla and Spanish rice.
9.) Nightly appetizers of aged cheddar and bread with olive oil and Italian herbs -- and that's only what I ate. As Daddy would say, I am already becoming a "gourmet" (pronounced "mett") :)
10.) Wine, wine, sangria, and more wine (for the grown-ups only, of course), and a rousing game of Wineopoly.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Dear "little one", Blanden, so you are getting better and better at both swinging and eating...good for you! I know that your momma and dad are busy, busy people, that is the only reason why they haven't posted your pictures on Kodak easy share, but I do have my fingers crossed that Aunt Jill is taking some to share with me! Hard for this old Grammy to believe that it seems like just yesterday when you momma was the one learning how to swing higher and higher! Some day, when you are a little older, she can share with you the story of how grammy assembled swing sets for her and Uncle Andrew. And you have a new book to read, will you share it with me when I come next month? I've been missing you, and am getting anxious for my to all, grammy