Thursday, March 5, 2009

Good Morning

Blanden likes to play with toys in his crib and listen to his music class CD in the mornings while Ed and I get ready for the day. Here he is wearing a set of summer PJs (although you can't see the shorts) because it has been in the 70s this week! But today it will be much cooler: only 67.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, just when Gammy thinks she has mastered at least some computer skills, turns out I haven't. because my comment to your good morning blog didn't post! Bummer!
Oh well, I'll keep on trying, because, I want to learn this stuff.
I was thinking, that when I come out next month, perhaps we could listen to your music class cd together, I've been to your class with you, twice actually, but I've never heard your cd. I think that if I can remember, I'll bring out the record,now that's a long ago term, that you will probably never use, anyway, you mom listed to the same record,over and over and over again...I think I saved it, you would probably giggle when you hear it!
Love to you and the parents,