Friday, March 20, 2009

Swingin' in Spring

This afternoon we celebrated the first day of spring, and took advantage of yet another 72-degree day here in Denver, by walking to Wash Park with Gavin and his mom, Erika, letting the boys try out the baby swings again. This time around, inspired by Gavin's wholehearted laughter, and feeling much braver since he is a whole month older than the last time he tried, Blanden enjoyed the swings. I see many more trips to the playground in the near future.

Tentative at first, holding onto the bar, but I see a smile peeking through ...
Getting a little braver, letting go with one hand ...

Look, Mom, no hands!

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Oh what fun! Blanden, do you think you could talk mom or dad into posting these swinging pictures on Kodak easy share, because, grammy hasn't had a new "hard copy" picture of you in months, just months! I am so delighted to see that you enjoyed the swings, you bet we'll find our way to the park next month! We'll get you all settled in your stroller, point ourselves towards Wash park and off we'll go! I can hardly wait!