Sunday, April 26, 2009

First Taste of Fry Bread

Today for lunch we trekked over to Tocabe, a new American Indian eatery, where Blanden got to try authentic fry bread tacos topped with buffalo and pinto beans -- a big hit! Afterward my mom and I went to see the play Girl's Only (hilarious!) while Ed and Blanden enjoyed a boy's club afternoon.

And last night Ed and I enjoyed a romantic, very indulgent date: dinner at Kevin Taylor's (four courses, each with a wine pairing; it was absolutely outstanding) and to see Cosi Fan Tutti at the Opera House. Happy Early Birthday, Ed! (Opera tix) Thank you very much for our joint early birthday gift, Mom and Dad! (Dinner) And thank you, Grammy! (For babysitting and giving us such an enjoyable night off)

(Not a great photo, but we had to at least capture the moment.)

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