Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blanden Is on the Move!

Ed, Grammy (when she was here), and I have spent the past couple weeks chasing Blanden around the house, which, among other interesting things, involves pulling him out from beneath the dining-room table (where he likes to weave in and out and around all the chairs), leaping to stop him from getting too close to the TV/Blue Ray/entertainment center/speakers (the general "no-no" corner of our living room), redirecting him from going after Belle and Ella again (they are his favorite toys), and racing to stop him from putting Belle's toys in his mouth (or sometimes just washing them off and letting him have them while she looks on forlornly -- and then looks to see if there is anything interesting in his toy basket for her).
All of this fun has reduced my workdays to frazzled 20-minute intervals and later, busier nights for everyone.
So yesterday morning Ed and I took 10 minutes and temporarily transformed our foyer (the least-filled and most-easy-to-block-off room in the house) into Blanden's very own play space. We are now all breathing a collective sigh of relief -- he is free to roll, roam, and crawl as he pleases, the pups are free to sleep their entire afternoons away again, and I can get back to work.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, tell your folks, what a grand idea! You need to be able to rome, roll, play, practice standing up, get that army crawl more perfected and turned into the tummy tucked up crawl, and mostly be safe. Plus much as they would like to devote their entire day to playing with you, they do need to get their work done too, enjoy these "glory days" when play is your work! That is how you are learning all these new skills. Looks like your new play scape meets all those requirements. And I would imagine that those creative parents of yours have worked it out so, they can work on their computers, while you are able to keep a sharp eye on them too. No doubt the pups are also a bit releived to have some of their own space back, but I would guess that at least Ella is pretty much "parked" close to either of your potentional escape routes.
Have fun honey, tonight when mom and dad tuck you in, sweet dreams and perhaps you'll feel the butterfly kisses I sent your way each night.