Sunday, May 10, 2009

First "Official" Mother's Day

Although Katie and I celebrated Mother's Day last year just a few short weeks before Blanden's arrival, this is the first year that our dear son was able to personally participate in the celebration. Katie slept in this morning while I performed many of the traditional motherly responsibilities. While Blanden was changed, feed, and napped according to schedule, it is I who survived the morning with the profound knowledge that Blanden truely has a "Super-Mom". Thank You Katie for the tireless and selfless acts of kindness everyday. Blanden is learning love from the World's Best Teacher. A million times, Thank You!


marilyn said...


You will have to be a bit older before this makes much sense to you, but your mom and dad will understand what I am trying to say. Every minute of the times I've been able to spend with each of you have been individual, special blessings, to see you, that is something else. I didn't have the opportunity to know your dad as a "little guy", so I treasure the opportunity to know and love him more deeply too. (And he has been a really good sport about my visits, plus the many times I toss out a memory about your mom in my notes.)

PaPa and I always "knew" absolutely "knew" that your Mom and Uncle Andrew were going to be and do their best at what ever they tried. For me to see your Mom, loving you and your dad with 1000%+ of her heart and soul, well, there are words to express the warmth that radiates threw Grammy's heart, to see our little girl, all grown up now, caring for you....
Love,and sweet dreams,

Princess in Galoshes said...

Happy (belated!) Mother's Day!

tara_iott said...

What's going on? You haven't had any posts in awhile. I'm sure that you're just busy. Hope all is well. Happy Mother's Day (super late!)