Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gearing Up for His First Birthday

It's hard to believe, but Blanden will be turning 1 just two weeks from today! We're gearing up for the big celebration. The cake has been decided upon (a homemade concotion, specifics to be revealed on the big day); Ed plans to break out his ice cream maker to whip up some homemade vanilla (A side note: Blanden has not had any cake or ice cream yet, so this will be fun and interesting!); cake decorations and a few other little things have been bought; gifts are set (or at least in the works -- his gift from Mommy and Daddy can't be bought until we get there); and I am only torn between which of two outfits would be perfect for the occasion -- or perhaps both: one for the photos, and one for his big adventure that afternoon.
And so, in addition to the booster seat that attaches to our kitchen island, part of the preparations involve the new booster seat featured above. Now Blanden can sit at the table with the family -- but not just "at" the table, of course, but at the head of the table.

1 comment:

marilyn said...


Looks like your new booster chair is a big hit! And to quote an old time song, oh how happy, oh how happy Grammy is to see a new picture of you! I'd just told Papa earlier today, that Blanden's parents must be really busy this week, because we haven't heard much from them, and haven't seen a picture either! So as always a hug to you, and give the folks one from me too...will you?

Can't tell from this picture, but have you gotten anymore new teeth? Last I heard, it was just one...

I know you have crawling mastered how, can get yourself sitting up, and have learned to pull yourself up to a standing position...sounds like you have been working hard at this growing up business.

Mom talks about your birthday being just around the corner, aren't you excited? We certainly are! After much thought, plus consultation with your mom and dad, we decided on your gift from us, and are so very happy we get to see you open it! This year, we had to rely on our own intution, plus hints/advice from your folks, but by next year, you'll be able to help write your own gift wish list.

Love you sweetheart,