Sunday, June 28, 2009

Real Picnic in the Park

This afternoon, we packed up our lunch, tossed everything into the wagon, and headed for a family picnic in Wash Park. We spent several hours lounging in the shade, playing in the grass, letting Blanden crawl and explore, and watching Belle splash in the irrigation ditches. Over the course of several hours, we think Blanden managed to eat a full lunch, as we kept handing him little bites of turkey, cheese, bread, avocado, fruit, a toddler cereal bar, and oatmeal-chocolate chip cookies (a big hit!) as he would pass by us on the blanket, then was off on another adventure.

1 comment:

marilyn said...


Yesterday the zoo, today a picnic in the park, what are you up to tomorrow? What ever momma and dad plan, it is going to be hard to top your weekend little guy! Talk about Monday morning coming down, you I am afraid are in for it tomorrow!

Looks like Dad's camera is back into action again, because these last few postings have been full of just marvelous pictures! Looks like your wagon is really getting put to good use, in fact, next time I come, and we walk to Whole Foods, we'll be able to get stuff for more than one day at a time, but then again, perhaps we won't, because I like taking our walks! Oh to the park we'll go, plus, although everyone else seems to think it is too far, it really isn't to walk to Bonnie Bre for ice cream, you and I will just have to add that to our route...that is when momma and dad give us the okay, because we don't want to break any rules, and put our time together in jepordy.

How far from the "folks" did you veture in each direction, until you decided to re-gps yourself and head back to them? Not that I think they would have let you get very far away, anyhow!

Were you tempted to play in the water with Belle, or was it just fun to watch her splash and play?

Yum, your lunch sounded good to us, especially the cookie! Did I see you taking a bit out of a "big people" sandwich? How many teeth do you have now? Do you have any special requests for meals when you come to Gammy's house?

As I write, this is just about when you'll be getting tucked into bed, sweet dreams, after all the days adventures, you should be all tuckered out.
