Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bay Days and Black Star Farms

Our blog posting was cut short Friday night. Grammy and I had walked to the park clubhouse (where there is Internet access) and were in the process of uploading photos when a thunderstorm began rolling in, thus we quickly shut down and made our way back to the trailer! As you could see, Blanden had a blast at the beach. It was overcast, and then began to rain, but he was having so much fun we decided to brave the weather while he played. Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jill arrived that afternoon. We had a leisurely lunch (while Blanden slept soundly), then simple sandwiches for dinner at the trailer.
Sunday was a picture-perfect day. It began with a picnic breakfast on the Grand Traverse Bay, then a train ride for Blanden, then playtime on the beach (this time in the warm sunshine). We had wood-fired pizza and wine for lunch outside on the patio at Black Star Farms (where Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jill got married), and Blanden got to pet more farm animals (his face just lit up). Eventually we had dinner on another patio of a good restaurant, then took a walk around the park before we all finally crashed into bed. (Aunt Jill sent Daddy many photos throughout the day from her phone, so we took a break from blog posting last night. :) )

Saturday morning breakfast at the bay.

Blanden loved watching the train go by...

And then loved riding it!

Enjoying a sunny day at the beach.

Splashing in the bay with Uncle Andrew.

Reading the papers with Papa in the trailer on Sunday morning.

At Leelanau (Grammy and Papa have a picture of Mommy at about this same age, taken in this exact same spot ;) )

Today there was more pizza and wine at Black Star Farms (it was so good!), a trip out to Leelanau/Fishtown on the peninsula, and a little shopping (and another train ride for Blanden) downtown. Tomorrow will be an early day. We have a four and a half hour drive back to Detroit, then Blanden and I will board the plane to head home. It has been a fantastic vacation. And we are very excited to see you, Daddy!!!

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