Sunday, January 31, 2010

B Is in Florida!

Yesterday Blanden and I took off to visit Grammy and Papa again, this time in Florida. It was a long travel day -- first a flight to Detroit, then on to Fort Myers. But Blanden did a great job on the planes. He slept 1 1/2 hours on the first flight, and we read lots of books and magazines together on the second. And a good friend of ours met us at the airport in Detroit to keep us company on the layover and help Blanden burn off a little steam. By the time we got to Grammy and Papa's house, it was 10 pm (though 8 on Blanden's time). Still, it made for a late night for the little guy! He slept soundly until 9:30 this morning (7:30 Denver time).

A little wound up after arriving last night -- happy to be free to run around again and excited to check out some new toys at Grammy and Papa's house.

Enjoying a late-night snack. Despite Papa's offers of cookies, Daddy has nothing to fear: Blanden prefers strawberries, hands-down. ;)

Night-night time for us all.

This morning we woke up to a drizzly, 60-degree day, so sadly we did not head to the beach. However, we enjoyed a lazy morning and playtime at the house, and a big breakfast of waffles, fresh fruit, and yogurt, and then we headed out for a little shopping.

Lounging with Grammy.

Looking at a fountain at the mall.

Today's highlight: driving a race car around the carousel at the mall.

Blanden has never been on a ride like this before, so he was all smiles the entire time -- and rode it three times! (I like how he actually held on to the steering wheel.)

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