Friday, January 15, 2010

Blanden Is Going to Be a Big Brother ...

To a little brother! It looks like Ellis Beach (Eli) Wensuc is on the way! He currently weighs about 12 ounces and is approximately the length of a banana and is doing just fine. We know these things usually only make sense to the parents themselves, but of course we want to share. It won't be long before the EBW blog belongs to both of our little EBWs, so now seems like a good time to post some of Ellis's first official pictures.

The best photograph overall -- Ellis is looking right up at the camera as if he wants to say hello. He was curled up in a tiny, cozy ball, with his feet right in front of his face (also pictured here), during most of the ultrasound.
Look at those long legs! Perhaps he's already leaning toward the tall end of the scale, just like his big brother, Blanden.

His little arms and hands folded across each other...

And his itty, bitty adorable feet. ... For the sake of my baby boy's future modesty, I am sparing you the photo of his "boy parts." :) We are pretty excited in the Wensuc houshold here today, just taking it all in. Aunt Jill and Uncle Andrew are here visiting and celebrating with us, and that's pretty exciting too!