Monday, May 10, 2010

"All Done" (with Music Class)

It is a sure sign that summer is approaching when school, in its various forms (daycare/preschool, music, and swimming) is winding down. It's hard to believe, but as Blanden would say music class is "all done" for the season. It's even harder to believe that he has now completed two full years of the Musikgarten program. Tonight was the last night of this session so the teachers had a special ceremony for the children. All of the classes from the different age groups met outside on the church lawn. At first, Blanden was excited to be outside. But as we walked up to join the group, which was at that moment in a large circle and singing songs together, he got scared at the completely different surroundings and unexpectedness of it all and began crying. Blanden is really quite shy and tentative when it comes to new people and new situations, and this was not what he had in mind. But soon they broke out some parachutes to play with and he began smiling once again, intrigued and ready to join in.

Afterward, each child was presented their certificate of completion and given a little gift from their teacher: in Blanden's and his classmate's case, his very own microphone on which to practice singing at home. And finally, popsicles -- definitely a bigger hit than the microphones themselves. When classes begin again in mid-September, we hope to have both boys enrolled (schedules permitting) ...

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