Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Early Risers

And their early-morning nap together. ...
While Ed is home from work, Ed has been getting up in the mornings with Blanden. This gives Ellis and I a little one-on-one time to snuggle in together and gives Blanden and Ed some one-on-one time to play together.

About two weeks ago, Blanden decided he wanted to try sleeping in his toddler bed again, and he's mostly been sleeping there since, of his own accord, and doing pretty well. Often he wakes up once in the middle of the night, a little scared, and asks to get back into his crib. Although we're glad he's doing well with the transition, moving back to the crib is usually good for us as it guarantees he will sleep until 7:00 am. Last night he made it through the night in his toddler bed, which is wonderful -- but was then wide awake and ready to begin his day at 5:30 am. Not exactly what Ed bargained for...

Meanwhile, Ellis is wide awake and content after a good night's rest (for a newborn), and is on his own to watch Wimbledon.

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