Tuesday, July 13, 2010

He's Smiling

A few days ago, Ellis began smiling. Last night, while Blanden stayed home with Ed for boys club, Ellis accompanied me to book club. Ellis came to the June meeting with me, but since he was only 2 weeks old at that time I thought he was too little to be shared among the group. Naturally my friends were eager to hold him this time around, and since he is now 6 weeks old and a little bigger and a little stronger I was happy to oblige. As he was being slowly passed around the circle, he was content and had no complaints, calmly looking up at each new face and settling into that person's arms for a bit. But about 40 minutes or so later, when he made it back to my arms, he looked up and was suddenly all smiles. They were the biggest smiles and lasted the longest I have seen them last yet. He definitely knew who Mommy was, and it was the highlight of my evening out.
We'll try to capture and post a photo soon.

1 comment:

Cat said...

Oh! That is so sweet! He's so early! And I am going crazy knowing that I missed getting to hold him. I wish, wish, wish I had been able to make it to book club. sigh