Thursday, June 2, 2011

And the Birthday Boys Go On ...

Blanden had his first school birthday party today. He took homemade chocolate cupcakes with white frosting and lots of blue sprinkles to celebrate. But first, we had doctor appointments for both boys, annual checkups, so we dropped the cupcakes off on the way. He asked, "But no one will eat the cupcakes until Blanden gets back, right?" I assured him that no, they would not. It hadn't occurred to me that this might be a worry for a three-year-old, but it certainly makes sense -- I was being efficient, but from his perspective, what a letdown to leave the cupcakes at school but not him! He was very excited about his friends singing "Happy Birthday" to him. Indeed, from what I hear from Ms. Megan, he enjoyed it very much. Apparently, he held tightly onto his cupcake and had a huge, sweet, but slightly shy smile on his face. Part of me wishes I could have been there to see it. But most of me is simply marveling that he is now having these special moments in a daytime life that is separate from me, and I'm happy for him.

Meanwhile, Ellis had to get FIVE vaccines today, poor little guy. He came home from the afternoon at school with a slight fever and sore legs. Daddy fed him dinner, Mommy gave him a nice long bath and read books, then tucked him into bed early with lots of tender cuddles and kisses. Hopefully he feels more like himself tomorrow ...

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