Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Best Mornings

Ellis often wakes up around 5:30 a.m., but with some coaxing he usually falls back asleep in our bed. Blanden usually wakes up sometime before 7 a.m. but, thanks to his clock, stays in bed until it changes color -- though he is aloud to read books and play quietly. He often comes bounding into our room at 7:01 a.m. saying, "My clock finally turned yellow!" so I can only imagine how long he's been awake -- perhaps 15 minutes or maybe only 5 minutes that felt like 15.

But this morning, after waking at 5:30, Ellis fell back asleep on his own in his crib. Blanden must have slept later too. Since Ed is still taking some time off work, and I am home on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, we got to sleep in until 7:45! We woke to the sounds of the boys playing and laughing. Blanden was having a picnic on the floor -- the books are the plates.  

And Ellis was contentedly playing with all of this! He sleeps with just one stuffed animal, his little lion. Blanden showered him with toys upon waking so that he, too, had something to play with while they hung out together in their room for a while. 

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