Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ellis Is a Little Boy ...

No longer a baby. And I'm never sad about that, only fascinated to watch him grow and devlep. Though I can tell you I'll welcome his snuggles as long as he is willing to give them. Blanden is barely willing to stop for a quick hug these days.

Ellis has had some major changes this month. On August 1, he moved from the infant nursery to the "little boy" classroom, as Blanden and I refer to it. (Blanden is in the "big boy" classroom. It won't be long before he, too, will move up -- to preschool!) We miss Ms. Deb dearly. Ellis bonded closely with her and vice versa. During some of our last mornings, when he knew the transition was coming because he had been visiting the new classroom for a few hours each day, he would just rest his head on Ms. Deb's shoulder for a long time after I dropped him off. Fortunately, we have her scheduled to babysit a couple times next month.

Yet, we also adore Ms. Pat and Ms. Lete, Ellis's new teachers, and Blanden's originals. They took extra special care of Blanden -- and Mom and Dad too -- when Blanden first went to daycare at 18 months old. Plus, his new room is FULL of fun things to do and all kinds of toys to play with. Someday I'll take a picture.

Ellis has also been playing with Ms. Jean-Marie, his physical therapist, who comes to our house twice a month for one hour. If he were re-evaluated today, he probably wouldn't qualify. Other than not walking yet (and we're in no rush; he will get to it when he's ready), he is once again well within the range of normal for his age group: crawling quickly; pulling up; safely sitting back down; and cruising, increasingly using small things for leverage, like kitchen cabinet knobs instead of tables, and standing on his tiptoes for balance, as he is here, taking a peek at Blanden outside. But we like Ms. Jean-Marie and the sessions are complementary as long as we feel he needs them, so we figure we'll continue with the program until he actually does begin to walk and climb stairs safely, and then reconsider.    

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