Monday, September 29, 2008

Family Fun

Cheering for the Chiefs with Jeremy
Being read to by Gretchen

Yesterday, after Uncle Jim ran a 10K race downtown, he, Aunt Nancy, and cousins Jeremy and Gretchen came over to watch the Chiefs vs. Broncos game (the Chiefs won!) and to hang out for the day. Blanden really enjoyed hanging out with his family, especially being held by Jeremy and being read to by Gretchen. (And Belle and Ella were thrilled to feel like they were the center of attention again too.) Thank you for stopping by. We had so much fun together -- and we can't wait to meet the newest member of your family (a puppy!) soon!
P.S. Uncle Andrew: Note the book Gretchen is reading to Blanden in this photo. It seems to be one of Blanden's favorites. I suppose it could be the simple black type on a white background and the fun illustrations of the animals, but I think it's probably because he knows it was your favorite as a little boy. :)


marilyn said...

Looks like Blanden was enjoying himself! It really will be interesting to see what his favorite bedtime book is a year from now. Blanden, we know momma and daddy are busy people, but Grammy would like to print three pictures from your blog, starting with the one where you are thumping on your changing pad, and watching videos. If love can travel the is definately being sent to our Denver branch of the family.

Katie Teller said...

This was one of Bejamin's favorites as well!! Something about those animals and the "lift-a-flap" books....He is currently in love with Curious George, Katie! You must be sending him some "curious" vibes! :) I can't believe at 2 years old, he can actually sit through a 40+ page book that uses the word "barium" :)
They grow so fast (as you well know!). LOVE this blog!! What a great way to keep everyone in touch with Blanden as he grows. You're doing such a beautiful job keeping up with it, and so obviously as being a mom as well. Blanden looks healthy and happy, as do his parents. I'm so happy for you. Hope to catch up with you soon!