Sunday, September 28, 2008

Baby Beethoven

Recently, Blanden has shown an interest in the TV. Occasionally throughout the summer -- when we weren't too exhausted ourselves and just wanted to go to sleep -- we managed to continue watching movies in the evenings while Blanden slept, oblivious, in one of our arms. But now he's begun to take notice in what's on the screen, too intrigued to fall asleep while the TV is on. So we decided to give some of his Baby Einstein videos a try and let him watch just a little bit now and then. One night last week we watched First Signs together as a family. Although the video is especially for infants six months and older, he was transfixed for the full half hour. And this morning before we all got dressed (and before Blanden sits down to watch just a little bit of football with his dad for the Kansas City vs. Broncos game :) ), we watched Baby Beethoven, for infants three months and older. He was captivated by the images and sounds -- while we were captivated by him and his reactions.

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