Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fun With My Feet

This week Blanden has discovered his feet and how much fun he can have with them. He likes to hold onto them, use them to kick his mobile around, and -- a particular favorite -- slap them against the crib mattress or changing pad, making a pleasingly loud thump.


Princess in Galoshes said...

Holy cow, you guys are posting way more often than I've been checking! I love the pictures, and hope we can get together soon. Yay feet! :-)

marilyn said...

Blanden, your just so darn CUTE! Your parents posting your pictures and news, certainly is making it easier for Grammy not to be able to hug, love, cuddle, rock, read, drop by, etc, etc, easier! I do have a portacrib here now, so be sure to "come on over"