Sunday, October 26, 2008

Babies for Obama

Senator Obama speaking to a crowd of more than 100,000 people in front of the City and County Building in Denver on Sunday morning
Blanden catching a mini nap before the main event begins

Close-up of Obama

Secret Service agents on the roof of the City and County Building behind Obama

Blanden attended his first political rally today when we took advantage of the opportunity to hear Senator Barack Obama speak in downtown Denver this morning. As you can tell from Ed's photos of the rally scene and close-up of Obama, we were pretty far back in the crowd, but it was awesome to be part of it all. Blanden got to see and hear Mayor John Hickenlooper, Governor Bill Ritter, Seantor Ken Salazar, and others speak before the highlight of the morning, which of course was hearing from Obama himself.

Of all the festivals and events Ed and I have attended downtown over the years, we've never seen a crowd like this before -- and no wonder, as according to 9News, a crowd this large hasn't been drawn since Pope John Paul II visited Denver in 1993! (
And I must say, Blanden is becoming quite the little flexible traveler, whether going on little adventures out of town or big adventures within his own city. We spent about 3 hours downtown, and another almost 2 going out for a leisurely brunch at our favorite little Creole restaurant, Lucille's, before returning home, and Blanden did great, just going with the flow the whole time, fascinated by the people and events going on around him.
But now my boys are worn out and currently napping together on this beautiful fall Sunday afternoon.



marilyn said...

Sounds like the Wensuc family had a nice weekend...good for you! Blanden, you have already done something Grammy has yet to do, I've never been to any kind of politcal event, and you might have just seen the next president...okay, this maybe about the only time you hear Grammy make a politcal statement, cause, well that just isn't me...but I certainly hope that you just saw the man who will be our next President....

Princess in Galoshes said...

Oh wow, I'm so impressed you guys got to go!