Monday, October 27, 2008

Little Rancher

Courtesy of his grandparents (a darling faux suede jacket and "Little Rancher" shirt from Grammy and Papa, aka "The Michigan Grandparents," and an absolutely adorable miniature cowboy hat and matching boots from Grandma and Grandpa, aka "The Springs Grandparents"), Blanden had all the makings to celebrate his first Halloween in true Western style.

He wore the "getup" today for his first Halloween party. His music teacher, Miss Carrie, invited the class to dress up for Halloween, and almost everyone took part (the babies, not the parents ;) ). And he even received his first bag of Halloween treats -- no, not candy, but an adorable plastic child-size pumpkin bowl and matching silverware.

Blanden will be dressing up again on Friday to visit Dad's office and greet trick-or-treaters at the door. (Next year, he'll participate in the actual trick-or-treating.)

1 comment:

marilyn said...


A little "story" about mommys, daddys, grandparents and love. When your Mommy was in highschool and her first years of college she swam synchronized swim, she'll explain that to you when your older, but anyway, she spent a good part of her time in the pool swimming upside down. Grandpa was always amazed at how quickly I could spot her, just by seeing her leg and ankle...that's what love will do. So, that love stuff worked instantly when I looked at your first "group" photo...right away, my eyes went to you. And so, those other "kids" in your class were cute too, but to my eyes you are absolutely, beyond any question or doubt, the most beautful baby in the bunch.

Love you sweetie,