Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Blanden went "reverse trick-or-treating" today -- he visited Dad at his office and handed out candy, instead of asking for candy, since he can't eat it yet (hence the bucket of treats pictured above). :)

Here are a few photos of him in his costume this afternoon in the backyard (and then crashed out on the couch after a big day -- all photos taken by Mom this time, as Dad was still at work). As you can see, Blanden was much more interested in watching Belle than he was in posing for a picture.
This is the only Halloween I can remember where it is in the mid-70s! And it figures -- the one time a nice warm shearling jacket is actually part of the costume, and it's too hot to wear it!

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, what a nice surprise for Grammy to wake up, sign on to the "net" and there you are! Your mom did a good job of helping you pose for you pictures, and I and I can just imagine Belle being delighted to being your living mobile! Also, it must have taken Mom more than one trip to get all you props outside and set up for this photo shoot.