Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Secret Language with Dad

One day last week when Ed came home and said hello to Blanden, Blanden began smiling and talking like crazy, carrying on and on. This was normal, something Blanden does often, especially for Dad. But what I hadn't heard was what came next: the more Ed talked to him and made silly voices and faces, the more Blanden began laughing. And not just little laughs and giggles, but outright chuckles, completely cracking up! This was new to me, so adorable to see -- and hear.

But apparently this was not new to Ed. It seems Blanden has been talking and cracking up like this with Dad for weeks and I just never knew! Sometimes Blanden laughs so much he gives himself the hiccups.

I still can't get Blanden to do it for me. It seems that the two of them have their own special secret language. :)

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, I hear you and Dad are not only doing great with "Boys Club", but apparently you are also working out your own special way of communication....good for you guys. I also know that you all ready have your own Mommy-Blanden language going. How wise you are already, learning there are somethings to talk about with Dad and some that are for you and Mommy. And in a few short years, you'll know exactly which parent to have which talk with! Love, Grammy