Friday, January 9, 2009

Book Baby

Today Blanden and I went to Book Babies storytime at the library. We sang songs and read books and then enjoyed a little playtime with the other babies in the class. We hope to go each week (Mommy's work permitting). Blanden loves to read stories -- we read two books before each of his three daytime naps and sometimes three books at bedtime. He especially likes turn the pages.

I had wanted to begin taking Blanden to storytime last month, but the two of us were far too busy trying to get Blanden on a regular daytime schedule, and (the biggest thing of all) trying to get Blanden to nap in his crib (instead of in his sling, which he's outgrown for napping, or on a pillow on our laps, his favorite), both of which we we have finally accomplished!

As for solid food, Blanden's just not a big fan of it yet. He's now tried rice cereal (yuck!), pumpkin (not great), carrots (double yuck!), sweet potatoes and delicata squash (both of which he lets sit there in a glob on his tongue, refusing to swallow or close his mouth while making very surprised and disgusted faces), and bananas and apples (which he kind of gums around a little before clamping his mouth closed and refusing to accept anymore). I think we're taking a break for a few days before we try again...

On the other hand, one of his new favorite things to do is sip water from a glass -- not a sippy cup, but a "big person" cup. Of course he needs lots of help to hold it and keep from spilling most of it down his shirt. :)

Photos of Blanden taken earlier this week practicing sitting up while we reviewed some basic signs while watching his Baby Einstein Baby's Frist Signs sign language video together.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, Mommy must have been reading my thoughts, I was just about to drop her a "hint" that we hadn't seem any new pictures of you, in well, at least a couple of days!
What fun that you and Mom went to the library, she was always a huge fan of books! I mean huge! Is the library close enough that on warmer days you can go in your stroller, or is it a car ride away?
I also noticed that as you are sitting my mom and dad's bed, you are holding on to you pigie toes (that's an old fashion term that grammy used to use), seems like they are still one of your favorite play things. Although Mom has pillows proped up behind you, I can tell, that you aren't using them nearly as much for support. Have you developed any other new developmental skills that your parents are't keeping me posted on? I know they are both busy, but I sure do like hearing about what you are doing, and in three weeks from today, I'll get to see you in person! That makes Grammy very, very happy!