Saturday, January 3, 2009

First Friend

A couple weeks ago, we had dinner with Erika, Nate, and their son, Gavin, friends from Blanden's music class. Gavin is only three weeks younger than Blanden. The boys took turns playing in Gavin's exersaucer and drooling on Gavin's toys (and each other :) ), and generally enjoyed cooing and smiling at their fellow little-person playmate, while the adults enjoyed a delicious and miraculously relaxing dinner and adult conversation. (Unfortunately, we forgot our cameras, so much thanks to Erika for capturing and sending such cute pics of our little guys.)

1 comment:

marilyn said...

A new friend, and one who is your size too! Not only from the pictures, but after hearing your folks tell about your visit with Gavin, sounds as if was fun to meet someone on your own level and terms. This evening, I know you were going to music class, was Gavin there too? Did you two guys recogize each other and start that "male bonding stuff" right away?