Sunday, January 25, 2009

Getting to Know Gavin...

Last night Blanden invited his buddy Gavin and his parents over to hang out at his "crib." The boys had a great time playing with Blanden's toys and each other; each seemed fascinated by their fellow little person. They are hoping to teach each other the skills they have most recently perfected: for Gavin, that is sitting up perfectly, steady and stable, all by himself for long periods of time, which Blanden has not yet mastered. However, Blanden was able to demonstrate for Gavin his new ability to not only roll from his front to his back, but to link the rolls together to move across the carpeting, making quick progress in small amounts of time. But otherwise, the boys are remarkably similar in size, build, and development. Needless to say, the four parents found watching their interactions to be a most enjoyable and entertaining evening, far better than watching any movie. :)
Meanwhile, we managed to enjoy a leisurely dinner. Each of the boys even took a mini catnap in their mama's arms during dessert, allowing the adults to linger over wine and conversation just a little bit longer. We savored the relaxed evening, knowing that before long our boys will be on the move and our get-togethers will not be quite so calm and contained. :)
Blanden would also like to provide an update on his eating habits: He now officially likes apples, sweet potatoes, and Cheerios. Pears aren't so bad either, and even apricots have possibilities. And today while Ed, Blanden, and I were out enjoying lunch, Blanden even got to try some tiny morsels of turkey from my sandwhich -- and he wanted more!

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Thank Goodness, Blanden, new pictures! Okay, so I admitt I probably did give your mom and dad a wee bit of a quilt trip, we hadn't seen any new pictures of you in days....just days! Before I got to the end of today's blog, I was already smiling, thinking I bet your dad wrote this, sounded like "boys club", having Gavin come over to hang out at your crib. What fun it is to see you starting to interact with your peers, both sets of parents beware, it won't be long before the "guys" have you all up and running after them. Blanden, I hear you are learning to roll to get where you want to go, can you demonstrate for me next weekend? Yes! Grammy is coming soon. Love to you, the pups and mom and dad too.