Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hopefully, Some Things Skip a Generation...

I'm often asked whether Blanden looks like I did when I was an infant. My response is typically, "I sure hope not!" I don't have many photos of when I was an infant, but I was able to locate this particular one. Thankfully, my hope appears to be true.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Ed, how nice to see a picture of you as a baby, you must be up to our ears in pictures and stories of Katie as a baby. I don't know, I might see traces of Blanden in this picture, and don't be so hard on yourself, all babies are beautiful especially to those who love them! We didn't know you as a little guy, but sure have gotten attached to and love the man you have become. We love you for who you are, for the husband you have become to our daughter, and for the father you are to your son, and our grandson.

Blanden, this is a rather different post than I usually put on your blog, as you know grammy usually writes to you, but every now and then, I do still need to talk to your parents too!