Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday Night with Cheerios

Tonight Blanden got to try the most fun food of all so far: Cheerios!
But don't let his enthusiasm in the photos fool you -- although he had a great time playing with them and concentrating on trying to pick them up, he's not all that interested in eating them. He wouldn't let us give him any -- he seems to be wary now of all that we are trying to feed him except for milk and sips of water. He managed to get a few into his mouth now and then on his own, only to follow the accomplishment up with his usual look of surprise and disgust. Alas, he mostly enjoyed pushing them off onto the floor for the pups (as just yesterday afternoon Blanden discovered the fun of purposefully dropping things over the edge of the table, then looking to see where they've gone). And thus the real fun for Belle and Ella has begun!

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, looks like you definately were having fun tonight! And some day your parents can remind you when you need some fancy computer game or program, because after all you don't have anything to play with,that once upon a time, you found cererios just great fun! And now you really have started working on eye/hand coordination, getting those tiny little o's picked up, not to mention successfully directed to your mouth. If Belle and Ella were staying close to you before, for certain you have two faithfully posted guard dogs, just remember to drop things off from both sides of your booster seat. PaPa is really excited now, to think that you have taken one step closer to eating "his" kind of food. Love you sweet, I always ask mom and dad to give you and extra hug from me, soon, you and I will be having our own convsersations, and I'll be asking you to hug then for me.
Love you sweetheart, Grammy