Thursday, January 15, 2009

Starting to Scoot

Blanden is not a big fan of spending time on his tummy, to put it mildly, so Ed and I figured (with some relief, we admit) that we may have quite a bit of time left before he learns to crawl.
Or maybe not ...

This afternoon, I put Blanden down on his back on his playmat near me while I worked. A little while later, I noticed that his babbling and the rattling of his toys had gone quiet, and he appeared to be concentrating on something. Sure enough, when I looked over, he had flipped himself over and was slowly making his way toward the kitchen, rocking and rolling and scooting along like a little inchworm. I let him go, until he came a little too close to a small cast-iron statue of a dog that had caught his eye, then promptly flipped him back around toward his playmat. He enjoyed a good 15 minutes or so moving around in circles like this -- the longest I have ever seen him enjoy tummy time. He just might be getting the hang of this.
P.S. He did start the day out with socks, but he has pulled both of them off several times now to play with his feet (he loves his feet), and at this point I'm not sure where one of the socks is...Ah, well.


marilyn said...

Blanden, your great grandfather Beach, would be smiling right now, and saying "good for you, you go for it"!  Now naturally, your grammy and papa Raymond are saying the same thing, it will be interesting to see how quickly you figure out that scooting is a major step towards crawling, and then mom, dad and the pups better be careful and watch out, because you'll be getting into places and things they have no idea you can get to!  Uncle Andrew would have me point out, that crawling can take you to the cupboards, where he spent lots of time happily banging away with my pots and pans. Mom did a good job with her action shots, and you look quite happy and pleased with yourself! Just think, in two weeks, you will be more proficent with this new skill and I'll be able to see a live demonstration! Love and hugs to you, mom, dad and the pups,

Princess in Galoshes said...

Meh, I'm with Blanden. Socks are totally overrated.