Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lazy Sunday

There isn't too much to report this evening; it was a mellow Sunday.

Blanden has been waking up at 6:30 a.m. (which is very early for him -- at home he wakes up at 7:15/7:30, so waking up at 6:30 here is perplexing considering it's only 4:30 at that hour in Denver! Maybe he is just so excited to be on vacation.), so Papa has been getting up early to play with Blanden the past couple mornings to allow me to enjoy some wonderful and rare opportunities to curl back up in bed and sleep in.

Today, after we were all awake, we lounged around the house, went back to the pool this afternoon, then wandered through Fisherman's Village, a local outdoor shopping area, this evening. In fact, it's been such a relaxing, lazy day, it's actually hard to remember what we did ... the sign of a good vacation. We just wanted to share a few more photos with Dad. (It's kind of funny to think that Dad went skiing in Vail today while we went swimming!)

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