Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mr. Sandman

Today was a special and fun-filled day. I got to meet Mommy's godfather, my great uncle Jim, and my great aunt Becky, who live in Orlando, for lunch at Macaroni Grill halfway between our two houses. That was nice, but after driving 1 1/2 hours each way, I was ready to get out of the car.

So on the way home we stopped off in Venice, which is on the Gulf Coast, so that I could see the beach and the ocean for the first time. Mommy wanted to at least take a picture of me with my toes in the sand -- and she got so much more than that: I LOVED playing in the sand!

Mommy was afraid to sit me down it in at first, thinking that a big fistful of sand would go straight into my mouth, but I surprised her by not eating any at all. Instead I had so much fun exploring the texture and kicking the sand with my with feet and raking it and picking it up in my hands. I even got to dip my toes into the ocean while Papa held onto me.

While we were there we watched a gorgeous sunset over the water, and we saw dolphins swimming very close by, which was really neat, but the sand was the real highlight for me. I got to stay up late, past my bedtime, because I was having so much fun we didn't want to leave. I played until I didn't have any energy left to play anymore, and then I napped on the way home.

This morning Daddy asked Mommy to be sure I got a Valentine's Day treat today since this is my first Valentine's Day. This was it!

Being buried in the sand by Papa.

The gorgeous roses Daddy sent to Mommy to surprise her on Valentine's Day. We miss and love you very, very much.
Happy Valentine's Day!

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