Friday, February 13, 2009

More Photos from Florida

Heading out for a morning walk with Papa while wearing his PJs. Papa has introduced Blanden to all of the neighbors and taken him back to visit them multiple times.
The weather has been fantastic, even warmer than yesterday! So we took the opportunity to head back to the swimming pool. Blanden was very curious to try putting his face in the water, only to quickly pull it back in surprise once it actually touched, then he'd proceed to do it again, and again, and again ...

Showing off a Disney shirt Aunt Jill and Uncle Andrew bought for Blanden in Orlando long ago, when the shirt seemed enormous. :) We miss not having you here in Florida too this year, A. Jill and U. Drew, but we're thinking of you and keeping our fingers crossed that it works out to see you again soon.
Grammy is trying to capture a photo; Blanden is more interested in the camera.
Playing with a new toy from Grammy and Papa.
Also, an update: To clarify, the photo of Blanden sitting on the dock yesterday was actually taken by Grammy, not Papa, with Papa spotting Blanden just centimeters outside of the frame. Rest assured, neither Papa nor Grammy would let Blanden sit alone in a chair on the dock! :)

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