Monday, March 30, 2009

A Couple More Photos ...

In the kitchen with Aunt Jill
In front of the tea house

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, so, did you have a good visit with Aunt Jill and Uncle Andrew, I know they can be lots of fun to be with, don't you think so? Remember everything you did with them, so you can tell me all about it, okay?

PaPa and I have been home from our big trip to Florida for well, about 20 minutes, he is busy, busy putting all his stuff away, me, well I did start the laundry, but my job is always re-connecting the computer, and what was the point of doing that, if I couldn't take the few minutes needed to check for a new posting on your blog! And what a nice surprise!
I'd better get to work, love,