Sunday, March 22, 2009

March Madness - The Sweet Sixteen

"For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and made it holy (Exodus 20:11).
The Bible doesn't describe the actual events that took place on the sabbath, but is believed by some religious scholars that the LORD was in a tight March Madness Pool in the office and that her college was on the verge of a "Sweet Sixteen" berth. These scholars contend that the LORD spent the entire Sabbath glued to the television, double-checking brackets, and hanging out with loved ones.
Following this lead, the Wensuc's spent the majority of this wonderful Sunday watching March Madness as a family. Uncle Jim even joined our blessed gathering. Blanden was wearing a Mizzou jersey with a Green and White shirt underneath as not to offend either parent. The outcome is that both Michigan State and Mizzou made it to the Sweet Sixteen. If all goes well for both teams, Blanden's loyalities won't be challenged until the Final event that would truly involve a miracle.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, Well, I can see that it is time for Grammy to send you an "offical" MSU shirt! Which of your parents wrote the comments for you this time? Parts of it sound like momma, but then again, where God is mentioned as "she" that really could be Dad (which by the way, I personally completely believe that God just might be a she, wow, would that really shake up a few old fogies!)
Anyhow, looks as if you were really enjoying the day, when you get a bit older, Dad can help you work out a NCAA basketball bracket, and Uncle Andrew will have to help me out, then we can chat about how our teams are fairing. Last night I tried to get some "male insight" into how well "the teams", meaning Missouri and MSU will fair in the next round of games, but their emails came back to me, so sometime during "men's club" this week, perhaps our Denver guys can "discuss" this, and give Grammy a little better prespective on those games...
Love you sweetheart,