Friday, March 13, 2009

Play Date

Getting reacquainted.

Sarah showing Blanden her fabulous new play space.

Today our friends Susan and Sarah invited us over for lunch and to play. They don't live too close to us, so unfortunately we don't get together as often as we'd like.
Susan and I met at Fulcrum and were pregnant at the same time together so we've spent the past year and a half or so swapping stories and advice on pregnancy and new motherhood. Sarah is 10 weeks older than Blanden -- she is going to be turning 1 in just a couple weeks! (How is that possible?!) Meaning that Blanden is not far behind.
The little ones had a great time getting reacquainted. Their "play dates" used to consist of time spent in their strollers on trips to the mall for Susan and I, when we were desperate to get out of the house and practice being moms in public. I think they had a lot more fun today! (And frankly, now that we're much more relaxed and approaching "experienced Mom" status, I'd say so did we!)
Happy early birthday, sweet Sarah!


marilyn said...

Blanden, did you and Sara have a good time playing together? As you know I am always excited to learn what you can do, because, it helps me plan for our next visit together! Do you know that in just a few weeks, well really more than a few, but anyway, Grammy is coming to visit again? And we can have lots of play dates! I think we should get mom and dad to go out on a couple of "grown up dates", so you and I can just be together, do you think thats a good idea? I didn't see that Mom had you proped up with any pillows, does that mean, that now you can sit up completely on your own? I promised my good friend Barb, and I'd be quick so we could go for a walk, so I need to get going. And, when I come in April, maybe we'll be lucky, the weather will be mild enough, that we can go on our long walks to the park,and perhaps try the baby swings!
Love you, give mom and dad a hug for me, grammy

Anonymous said...

Great photos. They are so sweet. I am definitely up for once a month shindigs - it's amazing how much changes in that short time span!

Post-Memorial Day you should plan on spending some time at the pool every week! Until then, maybe we can alternate Denver - Arvada every month....

Great to see you two. I've missed our conversations!