Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dinner Date

Last night we had dinner with friends Joe and Trisha and their twin girls, Kaylie and Lillian, who are one day younger than Blanden. Blanden showed some interest in playing with the babies, but he expressed the most interest in playing with their different toys. Kaylie and Lillian were fascinated by Blanden's full head of dark hair, alternating between trying to pet it and trying to pull it.
Playing together.
Going for that handsome hair again.

Playing separately.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Play date? Good deal! Blanden, in a few weeks, we are going to have days full of play dates! Goodie I say! Right now,when you play with your peers, looks like the three of you are involved in what is called parallel play, great fun to be with the girls, but not to actually BE with them. I can understand them wanted to "pet" your beautiful hair, so does grammy. But anyway, when I come, we'll work on interactive play, since I will definately want to play anything you want to! I see, you are wearing your light house sweater, and little robbie shoes, makes grammy and papa smile, since we saw you wearing that same outfit when you came to visit us. Have fun sweetie, love, grammy