Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blocked Tear Duct

Blanden had an appointment with an ophthalmologist this morning. As we and his pediatrician suspected, he has a blocked tear duct in his left eye that is unlikely to get better on its own at this point. He will need to have minor outpatient surgery, under general anesthesia, to repair it, in which the ophthalmologist will use a flexible metal probe to open the duct. The doctor said the procedure is 90% successful, relatively quick, and there is very little discomfort afterward.

In truth, I'm sure Blanden will be relieved not to have us constantly wiping his eye off anymore, which he hates. And fortunately, besides that, the condition doesn't seem to bother him too much.

We're not sure yet when he'll be having the procedure (we're waiting for a call from the scheduling dept.), but we'll keep you posted...

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, gosh, sorry to hear that your eye is still bothering you, your Uncle Andrew had an eye exam when he was a bit order than you, so between mom, dad, grammy and everyone else telling you, it will be okay, give Uncle Andrew a call, and he can reassure you too. Your mom tricked me today, I was so excited to read your blog, but no pictures! Well, my camera is getting all charged up, and when I see you in just a very few days, be ready to have your pictute taken LOTS of times! Actually, whisper in mom and dads ears,that your Aunt Carolyn thinks they should check into you doing a little modeling. Aunt Amanda did that as a little one, so she could give you some pointers there. Oh well, I must get back to grown up work, I am doing it all in the next few days, so I can be free to just have fun when I come to your house.